IT Online Training and Placements in USA    +1 (703)348 9497

IT Placements



IT Placements

Our consultants are committed to helping candidates find open positions in companies where they'll thrive, not just survive. "Work. Life. Elevated." is more than just a tagline for us. It represents our mission and our goal when placing each one of our candidates. We want to help you find a well-suited position where you are professionally rewarded for doing what you love to do.


In order to achieve this, our consultants begin by conducting in-person interviews (where possible) with each new candidate. Here we seek to uncover your personal and professional motivations, because both must be attended to in order to achieve true career satisfaction.


Then it's time to work our magic. Each one of our consultant teams combines 10+ years of experience working directly within the industry that they represent. This means that the team who represents you has acute insider knowledge of your area of focus.


Drawing from this experience, we take into account the specialized needs of that industry, the market trends that are shaping its future, and the unique interests of the individual companies that are looking for new talent. It is this inside track, paired with our close understanding of your skills, interests, and aspirations that enables us to identify and connect you with your perfect career match.


Our services as a career placement agency extend far beyond lining up an interview. Once we've identified an opportunity that suits you, we make sure that you're equipped to land the job, and to impress your new employer from day one. And it doesn't stop there.


When you work with PROVEN, we periodically check in with you to see how it’s going and get an update on any new skills, promotions or other goals you’ve achieved. This enables us to continue working on your behalf as new opportunities arise in the future. Together, we'll continuously work to move your career forward towards a personally and professionally rewarding future.