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SAP BO Online Training




Datwarehouse concepts
    Difference between Versions 5.x/6/5/XI R1, R2, R3 Business objects XIR3 Suite
    Extendibility of Business objects XIR3 (Introduction to BO- SAP Intergration / Dashboard / Xcelsius)
    Role of Business objects in Data warehousing real time life cycle.




Understanding how universes allow users to query databases using their everyday business terms
        Creating an ODBC connection to the course database
        Creating a universe
        Populating the universe structure
        Defining joins in a universe
        Understanding classes and objects
        Creating classes and objects
        Understanding measure objects
        Working with LOVs in Designer
        Creating a cascading LOV
        Resolving loops using aliases
        Resolving loops using shortcut joins
        Resolving loops using contexts
        Resolving chasm traps
        Resolving fan traps
        Restricting the data returned by objects
        Using @ Functions
        Working with hierarchies
        Using derived tables
        Creating links between universes
        Setting access restrictions on a universe
        Documenting universes
        Deploying and maintaining universes

Designing Topics we can Show by using Following Databases

        SAP BW

Desktop Intelligence:

Introduction to desktop intelligence
        Report Creation
        publishing the report
        Report conversation (desktop) to (Webi)

  Webi Reporting:

Accessing information with Web Intelligence
        Understanding how universes allow you to query database using everyday business terms
        Understanding Web Intelligence core functionalities
        Creating a document in the Web Intelligence Rich Client
        Viewing a Web Intelligence document in Info View
        Building a simple query
        Modifying a document query
        Working with query properties
        Restricting data with query filters
        Modifying a query with a predefined query filter
        Applying a single-value query filter
        Using prompts to restrict data
        Using complex filters
        Working in the Report Panel
        Displaying data in tables and charts
        Using breaks and cross tabs
        Formatting break, calculations, and report filters
        Formatting breaks and cross tabs
        Using default and custom sorts
        Ranking data to see top or bottom values
        Using alerter to highlight information
        Organizing a report into sections
        Copying data to other applications
        Preparing document for PDF and print
        Document formatting
        Formatting charts
        Understanding formulas and variables
        Understanding how Web Intelligence calculates data
        Creating formulas and variables to calculate data
        Adding a new query using a personal data provider
        Creating multiples queries in a document
        Synchronizing data with merged dimensions
        Drilling into the data
        Setting Web Intelligence drill options
        Accessing Info View
        Scheduling a Web Intelligence document
        Setting Info View preference

Webi rich client:

Web Intelligence Rich Client general preferences
        To create a new document in Web Intelligence Rich Client without Universe
        To select a universe in Web Intelligence Rich Client
        How does Web Intelligence generate combined queries?

Introduction to Dashboard:

Creating Dashboards
        What is Dashboard Builder?
        Creating an Analytic based on a Universe Query
        Creating a Corporate Dashboards folder

Import Wizard / Report Conversation:

Using Import wizard
        Creating of BIAR
        MIGRATING The BO objects from one CMS TO ANOTHER CMS


Publish the documents to repository
        Publish the converted reports (deski to webi) to destination servers
        Publishing the repository objects


Installation and Integration methods
        Bring the SAP environment in to BOXIR3 and vice versa

Crystal Report 2008
Crystal Reports:

Introduction to Crystal Reports
        Creating Reports
        Selecting Records
        Organizing Data on Reports
        Summarizing Data with Cross Tabs
        Using Report Sections
        Using Repository and Repository data sources
        Report Processing
        Using sub Reports
        How to Publish Crystal Report in Bo-Enterprise Portal


 Understanding crystal XCelsius
        Creating templates
        Building query template in XCelsius
        Creating scorecard and dashboard using XCelsius


Understanding Voyager
        Creation of personal and corporate voyager
        Publishing the voyager
        Importing cubes in voyager & Report Development


Computer setup
        Business Objects Enterprise Architecture
        Creating Folders, Users and groups

Topic on Report Conversion Tools & LIVE OFFICE